(808) 565-6919

333 Sixth Street, Lāna'i City, HI

Open Monday - Saturday with evening hours available



Lāna‘i Fitness Challenge

Lāna‘i Fitness Challenge

Month Long Virtual Event and Color Fest LCHC is so excited to share with you  that we’ve converted our Ohana Wellness Day into a month-long fitness challenge!  Thanks to our generous sponsorships, we are able...

social distance run

Social Distance Run/Walk

This year’s Lanai Ballers Bunny Hop, originally scheduled for April 25th has been cancelled due to COVID-19. So LCHC, LHES Foundation, and Lanai Ballers are changing it up so that we can still encourage the community to be active during this time – while still abiding by the social distancing rules.

2020 census

The 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is more than a population count.  It's an opportunity to shape our communities future. Complete your Census today! Go to my2020census.gov with your 12-digit Census ID, which is printed below the barcode on...

fitness classes cancelled

Fitness Classes Cancelled

Due to the latest updates from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Hawaii Department of Health, we would like to continue our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19.  Starting today, all fitness classes...

family fitness night

March Family Fitness Night

Family Fitness Night Tuesday, March 24th @ 5:30pm Join us for our next FAMILY FITNESS NIGHT for an electrifying hour of music and dance with our amazing Zumba Instructor, Pua. Don’t forget to invite your friends...

2020 LCHC Scholarship

2020 LCHC Scholarship Application – Update Extended Submission Date!

Attention: Extended to May 28th

The Lāna’i Community Health Center (LCHC), being an advocate and provider of care for the community of Lāna’i, aims to support its residents who have academic goals in pursuing higher education in health sciences or an administration/finance career in the health service industry. Through this scholarship, LCHC has an opportunity to recognize and support Lāna’i students who are committed to their education. We are seeking out individuals who have excelled in academics, leadership, extra-curricular activities, and community service. It is the hope that those who receive this scholarship will return to Lāna’i to become positive and influential members of the community in the health service industry.

Family Fitness Night

Family Fitness Night Tuesday, January 21st @ 5:30pm LCHC, LHES Foundation, and Ms. Karen DeBrum’s Expository class will be hosting our first ever Family Fitness Night on Tuesday, January 21 @ 5:30 PM.  The purpose of...

Event: Lunar New Year

Join us for a Special Event! Lunar New Year Saturday January 25th, 2020 at Dole Park Morning Performance at 10:30 a.m. Repeat Performance: Sunset, at 4:00 p.m.   Enjoy Interactive LCHC Wellness class demonstrations and a traditional Lion Dance with firecrackers!...