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333 Sixth Street, Lāna'i City, HI

Open Monday - Saturday with evening hours available


Community Food Assessment Survey

Community Food Assessment Survey

The Community Food Assessment (CFA) that LHES students are doing will help the community understand how the food we eat affects who we are, how we feel, and what we hope to become.  It will give our community a sense of how our residents feel about our current eating habits and how our food system affects the food choices we are making.  Our goal is to collect 1,000 surveys by the end of December.  We will also be hosting a number of community focus groups.  We students will analyze and organize all this quantitative and qualitative research and compile a comprehensive report which will be shared and presented throughout the community.  We hope to be part of a conversation about the future of food on Lana’i.  If you have any questions or would like information please contact us at cfa@lanaischool.k12.hi.us

Here is the link for the survey:


Anyone who completes a survey gets a ‘survey drink’ from Anuenue Juice Truck!

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